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Welcome to my Master's of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) Showcase. On this page you will find examples of my work that were completed during the master's program! My work is primarily focused on leadership as it relates to both my school and district, technology integration within my own classroom as well as my school, and engaging and creative teaching and learning practices that I have learned and utilized due to my learning. All three of these categories defined my learning as well as my future professional goals. Please click on the image next to the project title to view my work. 



Imagine 3 minutes with 3 foundational ideas of leadership and their connections to education, and this is the result. After watching and learning from Simon Sinek, I truly realized that anyone has the potential to be a leader. However, in order to be a great leader we must possess certain qualities and characteristics. Please click on the image to the right to be be taken to my video on education and leadership.

Innovative Teaching Mentorship

During my second year of MAET, I was able to mentor a teacher in planning a lesson that included technology and integrated it in a way that it was aiding student's in their learning and providing them with a deeper understanding of the learning objective. This example demonstrates my ability to not only integrate technology into my own teaching, but to also have the skills to help others integrate technology into their classrooms. Please click on the image to learn more about my learning and next steps as a leader in educational technology. 

Technology Integration

Empty Classroom

Technology Integration & Support: Success through Coaching

Due to the massive technological shift in education, I became increasingly curious about the need for and utilization of technology instructional coaches within schools. It was important to me that I not only understand why coaches are so valuable but also how current districts are currently utilizing them and what is defined as best practice for an instructional coach. This example shows my ability to research and understand the growing importance of educational technology integration in schools and what best practices are for integration. The image links to my Prezi Presentation of my findings, and my paper with a detailed analysis of the role of technology instructional coaches is included below. 

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Makerspaces & Makers

One of the most challenging things that I have encountered as an educator was to view myself as a maker as well as someone who could successfully design a maker lesson for my students. However, I can easily say it is the thing that I utilize the most in my daily teaching and the thing that my students beg for! This example shows my ability to integrate the maker movement into my content teaching within my own third grade classroom. Check out my learning on becoming a maker and designing a maker lesson here!


Photo from Sutherland Shire Council


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Global Techucation

Technology not only provides opportunities for our students to connect and learn in the digital world, but it also provides opportunities for out students to connect globally and develop empathy. I became fascinated by the connection between global education and using technology to foster empathy in our students and was determined to know more. Please click here to see my webpage which details my findings and shows my ability to research, present, and reflect on the importance of global education, technology, and empathy.  

Teaching & Learning Practices

Chalkboard Drawings

Learning Theories

Learning theories inform educators teaching and practices in a multitude of ways. In analyzing the four learning theories, I was able to reflect on my own practices and teaching and determine how these theories are utilized and implemented in my classroom with my students. Additionally, I determine how these theories inform my instructional decision making and allow for best practices to be utilized within my teaching. Please click the image to the left to view my infographic.

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Learning Spaces

Why is it that when someone mentions learning and specifically learning spaces, that we immediately think of a typical classroom? I was forced to look at the box that I was limiting learning to and re-evaluate if I wanted to stay in that box or I wanted to challenge the myself to redefine learning and where learning can take place. Click here to read more!

Trail in Woods

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PQ/CQ Learning Reflection

Upon reading Warren Berger's book, A More Beautiful Question, I was challenged with asking my own questions about what my passions are and how I can propel my passions as well as my student's passions forward. In pursuing my own questions and ultimately my answers, I was able to showcase my thinking and learning about who I am as an educator, a person, and a learner in a short video. Please click here to see my learning and gain a greater insight into who I am and what questions drive me. 

Photos are my own unless otherwise noted.
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