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Master's in Educational Technology Transcript

The following acronyms are used for class codes: 
CEP: Counseling, Educational Psychology, & Special Education
TE: Teacher Education
TE 801
Fall 2015
TE 802
Fall 2015
TE 803
Spring 2016
CEP 810
Summer 2018
CEP 811
Summer 2018
CEP 812
Summer 2018

Professional Roles & Teaching Practice I

Instructors: Lauren Cavner Williams & Eryn Stehr

This course focused on best teaching practices within an elementary classroom, specifically focusing on mathematics instruction. During this course, I learned how to tailor mathematics to students' individual experiences and how to make math come alive in a classroom for each and every student. I learned how to utilize number talks within an elementary classroom and how to teach children to talk accountably to one another to engage in a productive mathematics discussion. I also was exposed to many different ways to use student data to tailor math instruction.

Reflect & Inquiry Teaching Practice I

Instructors: Dr. Stacey Pylman & Amy Ward

During this course, I learned how to analyze students' learning both quantitatively and qualitatively and learned the importance of both. Additionally, we learned the importance of analyzing student work and growth specifically within reading and writing instruction. Not only did we analyze this work, but we were then taught ways to intervene and guide student's individual instruction to meet the goals of a unit in reading or writing. This class was instrumental in teaching me strategies for engaging all learners in reading and writing. 

Professional Roles & Teaching Practice II

Instructors: Dr. Yu-Han Hung & Molly Pierce

I completed this course during my internship teaching year and learned how to bring students' own experiences into my classroom. Throughout this course I was able to immerse myself into the community in which I was teaching and see the role that the community was playing in my student's lives. I also was able to create an entire social studies unit for Kindergartners with an understanding of student's needs and also personal experiences that they could relate to. Finally, I designed multiple different assessments to meet the needs of all learner's within my classroom to assess student's learning and achievement. 

Teaching for Understanding with Technology

Instructors: Chris Sloan & Alison Keller

This course was my first course in the Masters of Educational Technology (MAET) and was instrumental in teaching me ways to engage students in digital learning that is thoughtful and productive. One aspect to providing thoughtful digital learning for students is to engage in the mindset that is critical for students to embrace the unknown with technology. In learning about the TPACK framework and fully developing an understanding of it, I was able to conduct a Special Interest Project and critically analyze was in which I could engage my classroom students with global education through the use of digital technologies. In addition to understanding digital technologies, we were also taught how to engage in and create a successful Personal Learning Network.

Adapting Innovative Technologies in Education

Instructors: Chris Sloan & Alison Keller

During this course, we learned ways to in which to repurpose technology and explore innovative technologies for teaching and learning. We explored innovative technologies, including Tinkercad, SketchUp, and Piktochart. This course provided me with my first experience with the Maker Education. In understanding the ways in which maker spaces are beneficial to student learning, I was able to design a maker lesson for my own students that supported the constructivism approach to teaching and learning. 

Applying Educational Technology to Issues of Practice

Instructors: Chris Sloan & Alison Keller

This class focused on addressing a wide range of strategies that educators can use to address problems in education, specifically wicked problems. In a think tank, I was able to analyze the problem of how the role of a teacher is defined and work to solve and provide possible solutions to this wicked problem. We also explored ways in which technology can be utilized for students who have special learning needs as well as ways that it can support student's personal interests and learning. Finally, we learned about participatory culture and the challenges this provides educators in what they consume and then also teach to their students.  

Learning in School & Other Settings

CEP 800
Summer 2019
CEP 815
Summer 2019
CEP 822
Summer 2019
CEP 807
Fall 2019
Instructors: Missy Cosby & David Goodrich

In CEP 800, I learned how to think broadly about education and to question the status quo. One of the ways that we were taught to do this was to think about where learning happens and why we typically think of a classroom as the only place to conduct learning. We had several learning experiences that happened outside of the classroom during this course, including going to the Detroit Zoo and the MSU Virtual Reality Lab. Finally, we explored four learning theories (Behvaiorism, Constructivism, Connectivism, Cognitivism and how it is our job as educators to choose the theory that is best for the delivery of the content we are asking students to access. 

Technology & Leadership

Instructors: Missy Cosby & David Goodrich

During this course, we analyzed qualities of great leaders and what makes people like and trust their leader. Through a research project, I was able to analyze and reflect on a leader and come to the conclusion that the most important things people search for in a leader is trust and safety. We then analyzed how this translates to being a leader in technology and mentoring others to integrate educational technology into their classroom. I was able to mentor a student in the first year of the MAET masters program on her design of a maker lesson and give feedback using the Describe, Evaluate, and Suggest (DES) framework of feedback so that I was able to build trust and safety while also creating a collaborative relationship. 

Approaches to Educational Research

Instructors: Missy Cosby & David Goodrich

This course taught me to truly question everything and to seek out as much information on a topic as I possibly can. I was exposed to and practiced effective research methods while working on a research paper analyzing the need for Instructional Technology Coaches within education. I was able to use my research and present my findings to a wide range of faculty within Michigan State's College of Education. Research is always changing and so are the findings and it is our job to stay active in questioning everything. 

Proseminar in Educational Technology

Instructors: Dr. Matthew Koehler, Brooke Thomas & Aric Gaunt

This course was a culminating course for my Master's in Educational Technology through Michigan State. During this course, I created an electronic portfolio that highlights all of my work and learning through the MAET Program. In addition to highlighting my work, I also engaged in collaborative conversations through Flipgrid with my classmates. This course brought together all of learning over the past two years and also grew my professional learning network (PLN).

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